Specialty > Scope of business

Scope of business:

Besides undertook the cases that entrusted with the industry, our team conducted claim courses to enhance mutual expertise. Regularly, to entrusted company provided case study, claim risk trend, and as well as recommendations for investigation and prevention from moral hazard.


Our conducted courses:

● Insurance Accident and Forensic.
● Death phase inspection program.
● Central nervous system disorders claims auditing.
● metabolism disorders claims auditing.
● Fracture Aspects.
● TCM Traumatology and claims.
●Case study on controversial claims.
● Site survey for insurance accident.
● Case study on fraud insurance.

● Injury insurance medical report interpretation.


In Taiwan and adjacent to Asia, we experienced to assist entrusted cases. Our reports and written documents as an icon of reference, as well as essential consulting to litigation procedure and fraud insurance investigation institute. By all the experience of exchanging with claim department of insurance company, our specialized courses also provided practical assistance on operation practices insurance company.